Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Exclusion Zone, Transparency and Matrix

Although most people believe that there is and always will be a balance between reflectivity and transparency, I personally see the exact opposite.
"Windows and Mirrors" was written in 2003 and yet we see that even 8 years ago, a digital gallery consisted of exhibits like "Exclusion Zone", which could bring back severely traumatic experiences to those, who were involved in accidents such as Chernobyl. The tendency towards transparency that is prevalent everywhere today (from video games,3d movies and Web sites to the artifacts of the latest digital galleries that provide almost 100% realistic experiences) could very easily, if not used properly, develop into a world of matrix.
The need to experience situations that we would not be able to experience in real life, drives us into the digital world, a world on which we gradually become dependent. In other words, the addiction to transparency of any form could develop, if planned carefully, into the new HIV or Cancer.
We read in the book how people that relived their experiences from Chernobyl as part of the "Exclusion Zone" experience, even though they were cognizant that this was a simulation, could not prevent themselves from feeling a certain shock. So this might sound a little far fetched, but what if governments direct that addiction to transparency to easily manipulate their citizens in the future, and what's more get away with it because it will all be under the label of "entertainment".


  1. Excellent point. From a critical standpoint (including Marxist and left perspectives), transparency supports propaganda, dominant ideology, and hegemony, and reflectivity is the means to counter this.

  2. I found this post really interesting and am going to look further into exclusion zones.
